The human body needs vitamin D in order to build strong muscles and bones. When the body does not get enough vitamin D, it is not able to absorb calcium effectively. This makes it very important for good bone health. Children who do not get adequate vitamin D develop rickets, a condition that causes weak […]
Tag: wayzata mn chiropractors
Yoga hasn’t taken the world by storm, but it has gained steadily in popularity in the last decade. Originally developed thousands of years ago, the practice of breathing, posing, and stretching offers a variety of important health benefits. Reduced stress and blood pressure, increased flexibility and stamina, greater balance, and a better understanding of breathing […]
If you have ever had to deal with the pain of whiplash you know how it can impact every aspect of your life. Daily tasks can be painful or even impossible to carry out. Even milder cases can make it difficult to turn your head from side to side. Whiplash can cause chronic pain and […]
The case for walking in order to achieve better health is not new. Doctors and fitness experts have been touting its benefits for decades. When you walk, you engage more than 200 muscles – this includes your pelvis and spine. This makes it an exceptional complement to chiropractic care. However, if you aren’t convinced, these […]
We all know and understand the importance of maintaining a healthy weight. Some individuals do quite nicely at managing their pounds with seemingly little effort, while other struggle constantly. A recent study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 78 million American adults suffer from obesity. A person who has sustained […]
Your mother always told you to stand up straight – and she was right. Good posture is very important. It is good for your health, your mood, and even how you are perceived by others. Good posture can help you stave off age related conditions and allow your vital organs plenty of room to do […]
If you are pregnant and have back pain, you are not alone. An estimated 50 to 70 percent of women who are pregnant experience back pain, according to the American Pregnancy Association. While pregnancy and childbirth is one of the most incredible experiences a woman can have, it is also very hard on her body. […]
As summer gives way to fall seasonal allergies can really get you down. Whether you get a few sniffles and some sneezing or you are down for the count with every terrible allergy symptom known to man, it can make spring pretty unbearable. There is no shortage of allergy medications on the market, but they […]
When we think of cheerleaders we usually think of pretty girls in colorful outfits, pom poms in hand, cheering for their team. They are way more than that though. Cheerleaders are serious athletes. It has taken a while, but the public is finally starting to realize just how true this is. Data collected by the […]
Most people stretch and hardly pay any attention to it. Throughout the day a person may stretch upon waking or after they’ve been sitting in the same position for a while. They might do some stretches before working out or as part of physical therapy. Stretching often makes us feel better but it might be […]