Reverse Poor Posture with Corrective Chiropractic
Poor posture is becoming more and more common in our world. If you go to the mall, take a minute and just observe people’s posture. A lot of people will have rounded forward shoulders and their head will be shifted in front of their body. We call this “Forward Head Posture” and it is the cause of a lot of the unwanted symptoms and conditions people have today. Poor posture affects EVERYTHING in your body from the way you move to the way you breathe. Research is showing more and more that our posture is far more important than we even think.
Chiropractic Care for Forward Head Posture
Computers, texting, tablets, video games, and cell phones have created a war with our posture because of the way they promote Forward Head Posture. At Align Health & Wellness, one of our passions is to educate people on how to prevent poor posture by using technology properly and it can make a HUGE difference over the course of a lifetime. For people who are already having postural issues and symptoms, we are one of 400 clinics in the world that correct posture and prove it with before-and-after x-rays.
The first step for people suffering from poor posture is to visit Align for a complimentary evaluation with one of our expert chiropractors. If deemed necessary, we will take an x-ray to determine if the cause is a structural issue with the spine. Then, we let you know if we can help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!
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